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Try our interactive mortgage calculators

Buying or refinancing a home should be an exciting time and we want to make the beginning of your journey as simple as possible.

Each free, interactive mortgage calculator below will help you along the journey toward your homeownership goals:

Compare two mortgages to see how they differ in the long term.

It’s good to have mortgage options: Use this calculator to easily see the monthly payments and total interest costs of loans that have different terms, principal amounts, interest rates, or other variables.

How much can I afford to borrow for my home? 

Take the guesswork out of financing and find out exactly what you can afford.

How much money will I receive from selling my home? 

As with a lot of things in life, the answer is, “It depends.” This calculator will help estimate the proceeds you could make, and what factors impact them..

How much will my mortgage loan payment be? 

Accurate planning is a key part of developing a monthly budget. Since there are several financial factors that determine your mortgage payment, we’ve developed this free mortgage payment calculator to help you more easily estimate the monthly amount you’ll be paying.

How will my adjustable-rate mortgage payments change over time?

n the early years of an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), payments are normally fixed for a period of time, then adjust annually over the term of the loan. This tool will help you see how the process works so you better understand an ARM loan.

Is it better for me to rent or buy a home?

Your lifestyle, financial situation, and long-term plans will all figure in as you decide whether to rent or buy a home. We’ve designed this buying vs. renting calculator to help you visualize how the different situations compare over the long run, and whether renting or buying is right for you.

See the difference a biweekly mortgage payment makes compared to a monthly payment. 

One popular strategy for paying off a home loan more quickly is to make biweekly payments. Learn more by using our biweekly mortgage calculator to determine how much money this approach saves.

What’s my debt-to-income ratio – and is it manageable? 

Along with your credit score, your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is a key factor that lenders consider in assessing your overall financial wellness. We can help estimate your DTI ratio – and provide tips on improving it.   

Will I save money by refinancing? 

Replacing your original mortgage with a new home loan is known as refinancing – and it can help you improve your financial footing. Let’s see what you could save compared to your current loan.